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Instructions for Use

Component selection recommendations and installation requirements

Microstrip circulator/isolator

The following principles can be used when selecting microstrip circulators and isolators:
● Microwave circuit in the form of microstrip transmission, microstrip structure, circulator with line structure and isolator can be selected.
● When decoupling and matching between circuits, microstrip isolators can be selected; When playing duplex and circulating roles in the circuit, a microstrip circulator can be used.
● Select the corresponding microstrip circulator and isolator product model according to the frequency range, installation size, and transmission direction used.
● When the working frequency of the two sizes of microstrip circulator and isolator can meet the requirements of use, the larger product generally has a higher power capacity.
● Copper tape can be manually soldered for interconnections or connected using wire bonding with gold tape/wire.
● When using manually soldered interconnections with gold-plated copper tape, the copper tape should be shaped as an Ω bridge, and the solder should not wet the formed portion of the copper tape. Before soldering, the temperature of the ferrite surface of the isolator should be maintained between 60-100°C.
● When using gold tape/wire bonding for interconnections,the width of the gold tape should be smaller than the width of the microstrip circuit.
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Drop-in/Coaxial circulators and isolators

In order to help users better understand and reasonably select Drop-in/coaxial isolator and circulator, there are the following suggestions:
● Microwave circuit in the form of microstrip transmission, isolator and circulator with line structure can be selected; Microwave circuits in the form of coaxial transmission can be selected, and isolators and circulators with coaxial structure can be selected.
● When decoupling, impedance matching and isolating reflected signals between circuits, isolators can be used; When playing a duplex and circulating role in the circuit, a circulator can be used.
● According to the frequency range, installation size, transmission direction to select the corresponding Drop-in/coaxial isolator, circulator product model, if there is no corresponding product, users can customize according to their own requirements.
● When the working frequency of the two sizes of Drop-in/coaxial isolator and circulator can meet the requirements of use, the larger product generally has a large Electrical parameter design margin.
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Waveguide circulators/isolators

In order to help users better understand and reasonably select waveguide devices, there are the following suggestions:
● Microwave circuit in the form of waveguide transmission, waveguide device can be selected.
● When decoupling, impedance matching and isolating reflected signals between circuits, isolators can be used; When playing duplex and circulating roles in the circuit, a circulator can be used; When matching the circuit, the load can be selected; When changing the signal path in the waveguide transmission system, a switch can be used; When making power distribution, a power divider can be selected; When the microwave signal transmission is completed when the antenna rotation is completed, the rotary joint can be selected.
● According to the frequency range, power capacity, installation size, transmission direction, function of the use of the corresponding waveguide device product model, if there is no corresponding product, users can customize according to their own requirements.
● When the working frequency of waveguide circulators and isolators of both sizes can meet the requirements of use, products with larger volumes generally have a large design margin of Electrical parameters.
● Connecting Waveguide Flanges using Screw Fastening Method.

Surface-Mounted Technology Circulator/Isolators

● The devices should be mounted on the NON magneic carrier or base.
● RoHS compliant.
● For Pb-free reflow profile with peak temperature250℃@40second.
● Humidity 5 to 95% non-condengsing.
● Configuration of land pattern on PCB. 


Prior to connecting microstrip circuits, it is recommended to clean them and clean the solder joints after interconnecting with gold-plated copper tape. Use neutral solvents such as alcohol or acetone to clean the flux, ensuring that the cleaning agent does not penetrate the adhesive area between the permanent magnet, dielectric substrate, and circuit substrate, as this could affect the bonding strength. If users have specific requirements, special adhesives can be used, and the product can be cleaned using neutral solvents like alcohol, acetone, or deionized water. Ultrasonic cleaning can be employed, ensuring the temperature does not exceed 60℃, and the cleaning process should not exceed 30 minutes. After cleaning with deionized water, use a heating drying method with a temperature not exceeding 100℃.
Prior to connecting Drop-in circuits, it is recommended to clean them and clean the solder joints after interconnecting the Drop-in. Use neutral solvents such as alcohol or acetone to clean the flux, ensuring that the cleaning agent does not penetrate the adhesive area inside the product, as this could affect the bonding strength.